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Formal Vest

Formal Vest


When you finish making the modifications, click “Done” and when the ✓ sign appears, click “Order Now”

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Order Procedures

Samer Now Service Method:

When you choose to modify your clothing, we offer you two ways to facilitate the process

Option 1: Send a Measurement Sample with the Driver

  1. Sending the Sample: Please send the item you wish to modify along with another similar item that fits you perfectly in size with the driver responsible for receiving and delivering orders.

  2. Example: If you want to modify a pair of jeans, you should send the jeans you want to modify along with another pair of jeans that fits you ideally.

  3. Measurements: Upon the arrival of the sample at our workshop, we will take all the precise measurements from it and record them in our system linked to your account on our website.

  4. Repetition: This allows you to send more clothing for modification later without needing to send a new measurement sample.​​

As time goes by and you continue to modify your clothing, we will have a very accurate file of your measurements at Samer Tailoring

Option 2: Visit Samer Tailoring Shop

  1. Visiting the Shop: You can visit one of Samer Tailoring shops to take all your measurements and record them in the system once and for free, or you can request a tailor to come to your home to do so.

  2. Recording Measurements: Your measurements will be accurately recorded in your profile on the website, making it easier for you to request modifications in the future without the need for re-measurement.

A delivery fee of 2 Jordanian dinars will be charged

Delivery is available within Amman only

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Then he returns it to you within a maximum of 24 hours

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Then he sends it to Samer Tailorshop

The captain comes to you to take the order

When you place the order

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